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The Alchemy School
Practical Tools for Personal Mastery
In these times of great change you hold the power to create the life of your dreams.
The keys to all you need lie within.
A world of new possibility awaits!
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"What I have learned in Alchemy School has improved all of my relationships.”
“Life is so much easier now, with the tools I have received.”
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New Life in Spring
I hope this message finds you well and thriving. I love the season of early spring! Here in the north the

From Leo to Virgo: Be Here Now
One of my favorite ways to work with zodiac energies is during the time of transition each month when the

Sun in Leo: The Courage to Claim Your Light
I look forward every year to the summer Sun’s journey through Leo. I use this as a time to recharge

Chaos to Order, Part II: The Tower & the Fool
I hope this message finds you well and that you are taking time to play and relax during these spacious

Moving from Chaos to Order
I’m inspired to connect today with a message of practical optimism during this time of enormous contrast and change. We

Walking the Beauty Way: Sun in Taurus (Part 2)
I’m happy to connect with you on this beautiful spring day as we and all of nature receive an infusion

Welcoming Taurus (Pt. 1): Power vs. Force
Today the Sun rose in the spectacular energies of Taurus, which are activating new qualities of well being, power and

Upcoming Events: March-April
Happy Spring! The energies of new life are bringing vitality and hope to our world. I felt this deeply

Upcoming Events: Zoom Dragon Talk, In-Person Sessions and More
Upcoming Events “Year of the Dragon Talk” on Zoom 7 pm, Wednesday, Feb. 21st. 7 pm, Wednesday, Feb. 21st. The

Welcome to the Dragon! Celebrating New Beginnings

You’re Invited: “Year of the Dragon” Events
The Dragon Year is here! You’re invited to join me for two very special events celebrating the transformative energies that

Tarot in the Dragon Year: Let’s Fly!
Tarot in the Dragon Year: Let’s Fly! Although the year of the Yang Wood Dragon doesn’t officially begin until February
Meet the Director

Elizabeth Schermer is the founder and director of the Alchemy School and the Dendera Institute.
Elizabeth specializes in helping people connect with their spirit’s natural excitement for life so they can transcend unnecessary limits, connect with their joy, and experience their unlimited power to create.
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- Receive Spiritual Tools
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Tools & Resources
What We’re Reading

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz offers practical wisdom from the Toltec tradition to heal inner limits, return to balance and step into your natural frequencies of joy.
Oracle Decks

Animal medicine decks are a great way to connect with Earth wisdom and inspiration for your day. The Wild Unknown “Animal Spirit” deck is one of our favorites. Thank you, Kim Krans!
Energy Medicine

The “Heart Breath” is a direct and clear technique you can use to move to your heart center, strengthen your connection to your Spirit, and quickly shift from stress to calm awareness. Learn the simple steps in this 3-minute meditation.

Our favorite advanced tarot text is “Tarot of the Spirit” by Pamela Eakins, who beautifully expresses the positive wisdom teachings held within the cards. Use with any tarot deck to help you dialogue directly with your own Spirit and inner wisdom.
Answers to Your Questions
about Alchemy School Programs
You’re a match for our ongoing small-group work if you’re inspired to expand your potential and eager to explore new ways to understand yourself and the world. This program is for you if you’re ready to take your life to the next level, and learn how to experience your birthright of inner wisdom, love, freedom and joy.
Our ongoing programs are specifically designed for busy people with full lives. The rhythm of ongoing group events creates a natural rhythm in your life, allowing you to practice and embody what you’re learning. There is ample review built into the schedule in case you miss a session. Rather than being an additional commitment, the tools and practices you learn here will create more space and flow in your life. Participants with full lives attest to the way the experience creates more joy, more flow and more ease.
All true learning unfolds from within. When you sign up for an ongoing program, you have the opportunity to explore what you learn within the context of your daily life. You’ll be able to integrate new ideas and new understandings within your own unique circumstances. The group container is a place to bring your questions and insights. Together we’re able to explore and expand what we are learning and creating.
The most significant commitment for success with this work is your willingness to show up each day to yourself and the adventure of your life. Over the course of our time together you will learn practical ways to strengthen your connection to your Spirit, and move beyond all types of limitation that are holding you back. For those who would like to explore, your course materials include detailed information with a variety of ways to explore and learn more.
The word “Alchemy” refers to a process of transformation, turning one substance into something new of a higher frequency. When we speak of Alchemy we’re talking about consciousness, and the inner process of transformation that occurs as we connect to our inner Light. The more fully we connect to our Spirits the more our light increases. This is alchemy-in-action.

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for the Adventure of a Lifetime
Do you wonder if the Alchemy School is for You?
Please contact Elizabeth to learn more.