Happy New Moon!
The Aries New Moon is on Friday, April 5 at 1:04 am PDT.
This is an especially potent New Moon. In fact, the quality of “potency” perfectly describes the energy signature of 16º Aries that launches our new month of momentum.
This New Moon cycle begins with a great deal of concentrated power. This Aries Moon is all about being a pioneer, willing to take risks, willing to trust your heart, willing to explore with your imagination, and willing to let go of your safety net when inspiration calls you forward.
In tarot the Queen of Wands represents the Aries Moon. She speaks to new access to your inner power, infused with inspiration, will, confidence, imagination, and the determination to fully show up for your life.
The Queen also holds compassion. She reminds us that it’s important to stay in our hearts so we can fully show up for ourselves and each other without blame or judgment. This quality of compassion allows us to release fear so that we can take risks, and learn from our (perceived) failures as well as our success.
When we are open to exploring unexpected change, we can more easily shift when momentum pulls us in new directions. This quality of flexibility is important this month so that we can totally commit, yet also be responsive to new opportunities as they emerge.
In the following video message you’ll learn more about the key signatures of the New Moon. The New Moon tarot spread then gives practical guidance to help you stay on track this month as you tap into the Magic of your own creative potential.
Here’s to new beginnings!
Happy New Moon,
PS – For more insights into harnessing the unique power of Aries’ potency, see Steven Shroyer’s New Moon Astrology article.
Aries New Moon Message: April 5 – May 4
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