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Libra New Moon: New Visions of Possibility

Happy New Moon!

The Libra New Moon occurred on Saturday, Sept. 28th at 11:26 am PT.

This month’s New Moon offers another huge infusion of personal empowerment, especially through new visions of future possibilities and alignment with our inner truth.

Each New Moon and Full Moon this year has built upon the previous cycles, enabling us to create a stronger foundation of individual strength and new intuitive perceptions of our world.

The Virgo New Moon on August 29th helped us anchor our new foundation by activating our strong sense of self, and the Pisces Full Moon two weeks ago brought new intuitive abilities. Now the Libra Moon is all about participation, helping us bring our clear sense of individuality and new perceptions into the world in order to create something larger and more beautiful.

I’m eager to share this month’s New Moon tarot message (see video below), as it offers very clear guidance for how we can each connect with the potentials and experience success this coming month.

In tarot the Adjustment card represents the Libra New Moon.

This card holds many powerful teachings about how we can learn to participate fully in the world by coming to balance from within.

The priestess in the image is grounding and anchoring her equilibrium on the sword of inner Truth.  She comes into relationship with all circumstances, within and without, by maintaining her dynamic balance on the point of the sword.

This commitment to inner alignment is what enables us to maintain equilibrium with all of the circumstances in our lives.

When we balance from within we no longer experience ourselves as victims. We’re able to participate fully, embrace the unknown, and trust in the unfolding.

Hold curiosity in the coming days for inspired visions of what is possible in your life. We are here to create new worlds, beyond what we have known before.

I hope you enjoy this month’s New Moon video message that follows below. We are indeed in the midst of beautiful and astounding new birth. You can also read Steven Shroyer’s New Moon Astrology article for more insight into how to harness this month’s potentials.

Blessings to you on your journey,


New Moon Message: Sept. 28th – Oct. 27th

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