Lunar Eclipse Message: A Revolution of the Heart

Today’s message of hope follows the powerful activation of our recent Lunar eclipse.

The Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse was on Friday, June 5, at 12:12 pm PDT.

Every eclipse reveals new awareness of what has been hidden from sight.

The shadow of our world cannot be denied, and the tumultuous unveiling of our collective pain mirrors the pain we carry within.

We are engaged in a spiritual revolution. We are called now to rise above the systems of control that have diminished our freedoms and our access to personal truth.

The challenges of our revolution are beyond what we’ve ever imagined, but the Universe never offers more than we can handle.

In Universal law every imbalance holds the opposite impulse, and there is always an overarching integrating force taking us back to wholeness.

In other words, healing is already held within whatever is broken open. And the greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity for healing. (I am reminding myself of these truths every day…)

We’re in this together and it’s time for us to move to our hearts and fiercely rise.

The entire galaxy is resonating with our calls for freedom, truth, and life for all.

We have powerful support from the legions of light, but it’s up to us to find our way. Our solutions will no longer come through external authority. These systems have not served us and they will certainly not take us forward.

Our power to heal lies within our hearts.

In order to keep our balance we must continually use our tools and practices so we can stay connected, present and aligned with the powerful forces of love that transcend fear and destruction.

The following video comes with the heart-felt intention to offer you practical support, as well as a big-picture context of hope for what we’re going through.

The wisdom of astrology holds very powerful support for us now and I’m eager to share these messages with you.

Thank you for all you do every day to bring light and healing to our world.

Much Love,


Lunar Eclipse Message June 5 – 21


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