Our Pisces Full Moon gives us the opportunity to recognize contrast and receive new insights into our power of choice through the activation of the dynamic polarity between Virgo and Pisces.
The combined energies of these two powerful zodiac signs offer the opportunity to strengthen inner guidance and receive new vitality and focus through your spirit and the light you hold within.
The Sabian archetype for the Sun in Virgo is of “A five year old child receiving a first dancing lesson.” Children have a natural capacity to dance and an eagerness to learn. This represents your ability, whatever your age, to follow the guidance of your spirit so you can respond to life from your inner creativity, vitality and joy.
Virgo-Pisces Theme: Following the Light Within
Both Virgo and Pisces hold big energies. The tarot cards for each zodiac sign, shown here, can help us understand the current opportunities.
The Hermit (left) represents Virgo. Virgo supports personal authority, health and well being through developing our character, acting authentically, committing to excellence and expressing the flow of spirit in practical ways.
The name ‘Hermit’ refers to the strong sense of self and healthy quality of inner reliance. The dancing dog shows that you are no longer ruled by your fears; you walk your path through the guidance of your Spirit, shown by the illuminated lantern.
The Moon (right) represents Pisces. Pisces supports personal power through expansion into larger processes of life, and a deep connection to the sea of inner wisdom.
The image here represents crossing the threshold of inner knowing. One of the important aspects of this card and of Pisces is connection to the wisdom of the past, including the ability to remember past lifetimes.
This quality of remembering is an important part of making the deeper connection to your spirit. Your inner light is shown here by the Sun beneath the horizon. A reminder that, even in the darkest hour, you hold your light within.
Recognizing the Shadow
Each Full Moon polarity holds a powerful shadow. The more we recognize these shadow activations the more we can intentionally work with the contrast that is being revealed, so we can make choices from our own preference rather than external triggers.
The specific shadow of our current polarity concerns the challenge of holding personal authority versus the call to respond to authority outside of ourselves.
The Eight of Cups, Indolence reflects this shadow pattern of overwhelm and emotional density. This most commonly comes from deferring our heart’s guidance in favor of outside expectations and/or internal emotional triggers.
The healed aspect of the Eight of Cups are the Still Waters that come from healthy boundaries and the peaceful calm of your heart center.
This is a time for firm boundaries. Rest in the present moment. Let go of past expectations, outside pressures, interference and disappointments. Have patience with whatever triggers and emotional patterns emerge. Move your awareness within and connect from your heart with the healing waters of wisdom and love.
The Spread
Knowing the opportunities for new experiences of vitality and flow, I asked for a message to offer practical guidance for remembering our connection and finding our steps to the dance.
The Three of Wands, Virtue (center) in the position of Mind and Awareness represents a new connection to your inner vitality and light.
“Virtue” refers to your ability to trust your inner guidance and the inspiration to follow your own path.
The Sun (left) in the position of Body and Circumstances speaks to your ability to follow the light of your inspiration, and to see the light of Source in all that you do. This card is a reference to the guidance of your inner Sun, which appears in both of the cards described earlier for Virgo and Pisces.
The Universe (right) in the position of Spirit affirms the quality of new birth, and your emergence into a larger field of creation.
For more insights into the spread watch the replay of my recent message at AquarianAgeTarot.locals.com.
Remembering the Dance
One of the biggest challenges in this world is to lose our memories every time we are born. The good news is that the ability to regain our memories is returning. This is an important part of our expansion into the new era.
The energies of Pisces connect us with this quality of remembering who we are, including access to the memories of our past lives. These memories hold much wisdom and inner knowledge of our true power.
The beautiful woman in this image is Eileen Kramer. She was 103 years old and still dancing when this photo was taken in 2017. This reminds us of the beauty and power of our own dance, and the way that the dance connects us to our inner vitality and life.
This is a time to remember that you carry within the knowledge of how to follow your own steps in the dance of life. The more you can connect to the light of your spirit, the more you are able bring your light into your body.
We each have the power to follow our inner light, pay attention to spirit’s calling, and flow in step with the poetry of life.
May we each claim our own steps to the dance.
- NEW! Energy Medicine Master Class! Sunday September 17 in Seattle. I’m thrilled to be offering this new workshop, which has been in the works for over a year. I’ll be bringing you leading-edge information and breakthrough tools and techniques. These practices are for everyone, from beginner to advanced practitioners. More Information and Registration HERE.
- Read Steven Shroyer’s Article: The Poetry of Life is in Constant Motion, August 30, 2023.
- Watch the replay of my August 30 Live stream at AquarianAgeTarot.locals.com. Membership is free.