Gemini Full Moon – Making Sense of the World

Happy Full Moon!


Our Gemini Full Moon has released new energies of curiosity and understanding to help you make sense of a confusing world. 


We live in a time of great complexity. It often seems impossible to tell what is true and real amidst all of the conflicting information and distortion.  


Learning to recognize the truth is an important part of our awakening. With our current lunar cycle, you have the opportunity for new discernment. You can use your curiosity to gain new perspectives and higher frequencies of perception. From here, inspiration will lead to new insights regarding your circumstances and your next steps forward. 

Healing the Illusion of Separation

Every Full Moon polarity holds a unique opportunity for growth. The Gemini (Moon) and Sagittarius (Sun) polarity is one of the most dynamic and inspiring of the zodiac.


Exploring the energies of these cards is a great way to understand the significance of our current lunar cycle.


The Lovers 


Gemini is the zodiac archetype for the mind and the mental realm. The Lovers card represents the highest aspects of Gemini, and shows the process for healing of our wounded perceptions and fragmented minds.


The figures in the image represent the different aspects of you, from your subconscious wisdom to your inner child to your adult self. All are coming back together. The officiant is your higher Self, who oversees the union of all of these aspects of your being.


The Lovers are standing in a cathedral made of swords, representing higher Mind. When our mind is healed we are no longer trapped in a prison of our thoughts. Re-united with the heart, the mind becomes a temple of Source consciousness.  


This represents an important opportunity now to experience healing by transcending limiting perceptions of reality through new frequencies of higher awareness.  


Art /Temperance


Sagittarius is the zodiac sign for spiritual wisdom and expansion into higher frequencies of consciousness. The Art card shows you as the alchemist, engaging in the Art of your life. Temperance refers to the courage required to show up to the challenges of life circumstances.


In this process you are learning how to ‘turn lead to gold,’ transforming fear into love.  (See Sagittarius New Moon: New Opportunities Emerge!)


There is huge support now to help you rise above limiting perceptions and expand into new perspectives and higher frequencies of mind.


This is a time when you can use curiosity to transcend past habits of thought so you can access new realizations and understandings about life. If you’re drawn to work with the cards, meditation on these two powerful archetypes can be very healing at this time.

The Full Moon Spread

Knowing the potentials for new awareness and understanding, I asked for a spread to offer us encouragement and practical steps forward.


This spread holds spectacular synchronicities that are directly related to the opportunities of this Full Moon.


I’m truly inspired to share this reading with you.


The Knight of Swords (top center) is in the position of What is Being Integrated. As the court card for Gemini, this card perfectly summarizes the personal potentials of this time. 


The Knight is flying through the air, representing higher perspective and expanded awareness. He has learned to use his imagination in a balanced way (four wings) and rise over personal limitations to get a more objective and expanded view of his circumstances. 


He wears emerald green, showing that his mind and will are both in service to his heart. Living in the heart is the key to learning how to fly.


The Two of Swords, Peace (bottom center) is in the position of Mind and Awareness. This card affirms your ability now to experience authentic Peace energy, specifically through a still, balanced and neutral mind.


Peace energy is the highest frequency to which we can aspire in our daily life. The image here is grounded in green, reminding you that in order to balance your mind you must move your thoughts into your heart. This is where Peace energy resides. 


The Three of Cups, Abundance (left) is in the position of Body and Circumstances. The overflowing cups represent an outpouring of love from a joyful heart.


In this position you are reminded that you are a powerful creator. You are encouraged to cultivate appreciation, happiness and joy, and then share these feelings with others. Amplify the positive. Speak to what inspires you and take inspired action in the direction of your dreams.


The Queen of Cups (right) in the position of Spirit represents your heart connection to spiritual support. You have direct connection now to the Light, through the loving wisdom of your heart.


There is nothing here to figure out. Your heart connects you to all knowledge and all understanding. Here, in this moment, you have access to everything that you need.

Making Sense of the World

It’s pretty much impossible right now to make sense of the world, especially when we try to figure out what is real through our external circumstances.


This is by design. Confusion is created intentionally to generate fear. Misinformation is used to keep us off balance through distortion, conflict and more confusion.


These are the patterns we are leaving behind. In the energies of fear, anger and fatigue it’s easy to be misled, since all fear-based frequencies keep us from our innate connection to guidance and truth. We can’t find our alignment with truth here.


To make sense of things, pay attention to your frequency. When you find yourself in low energies such as worry, frustration, and blame use your willpower to shift.


Move awareness to your heart. Build the muscles of optimism, curiosity and neutrality. They will serve you. Remember, the higher you are in frequency, the more you are connected to your true Spirit and the unfailing intelligence of Life.


When we remember how to go within, we are unstoppable. Trust the power of love and inspiration to lead you forward. This is how we rise. 





  • Full Moon Astrology. For more insights into the current energies, see Steven Shroyer’s article The Evolution of Personal Perspective: Full Moon Astrology Report Dec. 7, 2022.
  • Just Announced!!! In-Person Holiday Energy Sessions.  I’m excited to announce that I’ll be offering in-person holiday sessions at the Sound Temple, on Thursday. Dec. 29th & Friday, Dec. 30th.  This will be a fantastic time to amplify your connection to abundance in the coming year through your inspiration and inner knowing. Schedule your in-person energy session HERE.
  • Distance Sessions in December. I have a few openings left Wed – Fri of next week. These are my last offerings until the new year. Schedule a 90-minute energy session and receive a bonus astrology reading to help you connect with these potentials. (January schedule will be announced soon.) Schedule your personal energy session HERE.
  • 2023 Lunar Journal Updates. I’m planning a brand new offering for the upcoming 2023 Lunar Journal. Watch your inbox next week for the special announcement. I’m excited about this!
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